Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Choice Words...

Ever notice peoples choice of words... very revealing... everything from what they talk about to how they say it.  Example... "I don't know what happened... the thing just broke." Really??  It broke all by itself... or... YOU broke, albeit by accident, but You in fact did break it.  Hm.... lack of willingness to take responsibility (interesting).  Or how bout the all too inexplicable answer to "how are you"... No one person I know actually answers this question.  Fine, Good, Great, Another Day another dollar, soso... all usual answers.

Now, let's take this one step further... people all day long I hear saying things like, "I'm just not a good sleeper".. "my handwriting is terrible".. "I'm not the kind of person who... " (insert any crap on this one)... "I gain weigh just looking at sweets."

All examples of us CREATING our reality.  What if you decided to switch it up a bit... and stop the running dialogue/loop tape in your own head about not sleeping well.  Stop accepting that your reality is of some unknown making, in someone else's charge.  YOU are in charge.  So... all those things you are content with being not content with... decide what you want, and start to say THAT.  "I sleep so well at night I wake up not knowing where I am at times."  "I have so much money in the bank I don't know what to do with it all!"  Just try that one of for size.

You will realize not only how often you say these kinds of things out loud... but how often you say them to yourself... only fostering the design of things you don't want.  However the universe only hears what you SAY...  so change it!
PROACTIVE LIVING, I call it... wake up in the morning... and DECIDE right then.  "I am going to have a splendid day, full of opportunity, everything will just fall into place, I will have a happy good mood all day long... "

Remember what I always say... you can be specific BY ALL MEANS... ask for exactly what you want.  I did that and got the car of my dreams (in a used car lot, I think they didn't know what they had, I got lucky - whoops no such thing as luck... I CREATED IT!)  OR... you stay loose, and just ask for the essence of something (this way you give the Universe creative license to play)... I once asked for the time of my life... and I wound up backstage at a Paul Simon concert having dinner with the band.

Happy creating... MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!!


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