Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Domino Effect...

Everyone knows how dominos works... you set them up on their ends... line them up... knock the first one, and in a wave, they all come crashing down.

Same goes true with energy... if you have a little bad energy, mojo, attitude (name not matters)... it will lead to a bigger, deeper worse "bad" feeling... if you are a little happy, you find that it grows to joy, and jubilation... (if you've been reading my blog at all you will already know of my affection for the study of metaphysical science and appreciate my love of energy...)

This might be a new concept to you... however,  ever notice that day that you wake and stub your toe on the corner of the bed... the day seems to just go downhill from there?  I am aware of this concept... and still I let it get the best of me sometimes...

Usually I catch myself... the catch is laughing the minute one of those "not so great things" happens... always looking for the happiness, not focusing on the unfortunate events in life.  Put a theoretical block behind that first domino so the rest can NOT fall.

However, this morning... to my demise, I woke up... well wait, first I ate leftovers too late, watched sportscenter for too long... and got to sleep far to late... THEN I woke up cranky, with not enough sleep.  Here is the CRUCIAL moment... I CHOSE to do all that crap... my decision... gotta own it, that's important.   Now here I am, cranky, not enough sleep, get to the gym... trip on the treadmill, brilliant... shower ready for work, get to work, bend over the coffee table to prep a perfect cup o' joe... managing to dip my very long necklace in the cup, but didn't notice until I stood up straight, out came the necklace splaying brown coffee all over my white dress, Jackson Polluck style...  it only gets worse, now trying to clean up my dress, I make myself late to a meeting... blah blah blah.  You see the domino effect I created... at any moment in that disaster, I could have stopped, and RESET!  But I didn't... yet another CHOICE!  I kept getting more and more frustrated... yuck.

So where does that leave us??  Hopefully, always honing that awareness for those first few dominos, in an effort to reset... laugh IMMEDIATELY if not sooner... and start the dominos cascading in the other direction... JOY.

I read somewhere that finding "fail safe, happy making" music is good to have in your "survival kit"... or a mental list of (forgive me) happy places... things that you can go to when shit hits the preverbal fan... a vacation spot, great meal, a great moment with a friend...

Remember... the responsibility bit in all this... life doesn't just HAPPEN to us... we have some creative license here, believe it or not.

So cheers... here's to the domino effect...  that is stopping them, and sending them descending in the other direction...

clink clink clink....


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