Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The TRUTH about LIES...

Ok... topics that I blog about are usually the result of me walking the dog in the late evening, by Caribbean moonlight so bright you see your shadow, with a small glass of really nice whiskey on ice, looking up at the stars.  Sometimes I write as a result of something I read or experienced... and then other times I write as an anthem or quest for knowledge.  This one is a bit of all of the above...  

I recently experienced something that made me take pause and think about the TRUTH vs. LIES... why people lie, and what they CHOOSE to tell the truth about...  And while some people are innately fabulous tennis players, I have a NOSE for the truth, like a bloodhound.  This is a perfect moment when I can say,"See, this is why I'm grateful I have experienced some hard times in my life... it makes me wise enough to SEE the TRUTH!"  This is a great skill I have honed... or maybe I've always had it.  I used to ask my father questions incessantly.  I was the QUEEN of "WHY" as a kid... and he was the king of bullshit, and somehow I always knew... This is probably what create that insatiable quest in me to always seek the truth. 

I think I have it figured out... people tell lies for one of many reason.  But when I see people avoiding the TRUTH, it is almost always for this reason - they want to be loved.  And they think if they tell you the truth, you won't love them, so they tell you something that they THINK will make you love them... IE, your 7 year old and a broken dish... or a wife scratching the new car... or husband loosing his wedding band... or of course much more grave things... like criminal lies... but in the end, we all just want to be loved... 

No excuse however...  We should all just live a life we are proud of, and be involved in things that make us happy... and we will have the courage to live in the world in a TRUE way.   The first stop of course is simply seeing the TRUTH... being honest with ourselves.

People lie about everything from a friend looking fat in "these pants"...  to lovers affairs... to job experience on a resume.  And my statement is... "Isn't the truth always easier?"... it's the same equivalent as RUSHING. If you rush, you spill your coffee on yourself, now you have to change your shirt.. now you are running late for work... and you trip over the leg of your chair and fall and break your toe (happens I know).  So in the end... telling the truth is easier, it makes less work for yourself,  it's usually one answer.  And besides which, I know that I don't have some sort of unique talent...  most everyone has an instinctual gut feeling when you are being told a lie.  Ever notice when you ask someone a question, and they answer, and you KNOW it's crap... you ask that same question over and over and over again... That is your instincts saying... "REJECT BUZZER!" to that answer... 

In the end, compassion will tell me that people lie because they want to tell you something that will make you love them... whether it's your 7 year old and the broken dish, or a criminal about that robbery he didn't commit.  Regardless, developing a good instinct for the truth will help you surround yourself with people who live a life of integrity... people that are "clean" and good...people that contribute to your life with their light!  TRUST trust trust your instincts, and you will avoid having poisonous people in your life.  

I always refer to my "stove is hot" analogy.  If someone says the stove is hot when you are young, you touch it because you don't know what hot is.  However, as an adult, you know not only what hot is... but that the stove is hot... DON'T test your instincts just to be SURE the stove is hot... you can see the heat rising off it, and feel the heat when you are just inches away, now just walk away... 

Occasionally, I find myself testing my instincts, and saying to myself "oh I don't want to be too judgmental..."  But that JUDGMENT is what keeps us alive.  It's an eat or be eaten world out there.  That same instinct that tells us to not to trust someone, is that same instinct an antelope has when they feel a LION watching them... and they RUN!  On that note...

Cheers... here's to the truth... and always telling it... UNLESS of course you are planning a surprise party... THEN by all means... LIE.  LOL

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When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken, or cease to be honest.

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

Time is precious, but truth is more precious than time.

From error to error, one discovers the entire truth.

The man who fears no truth has nothing to fear from lies.

Truth is the property of no individual but is the treasure of all men.


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